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Project information

Responsive Web & UX Design

Accredible Professional Services had an idea for a tool that potential digital credential customers could access to help them learn more about digital credentials, how to improve existing programs, or how to get started using digital credentials. Professional Services submitted an initial idea for the framework tool and asked me to bring their idea to fruition.

I was responsible for all aspects of design, including conceptualizing, wireframing, mockups, imagery, iconography, and all HTML/CSS layout. I created custom radio and checkmark buttons as well to align with the Accredible brand and break away from the default user interface.

I also was responsible for all front-end development, including custom jQuery and JavaScript. I created/implemented a custom progress-bar to visually inform the user of their progress.

On the Results page, I created custom code and styling to visually indicate what assets the user had selected/viewed. I also added functionality to reset viewed items as well as functionality to download a PDF of the results.

Click & Drag or Swipe the images above to view video walk-through of completed design.