Project information

  • Category: Video Editing
  • Client: Accredible
  • Project date: January, 2023
  • Tools: Premiere Pro, Photoshop
  • View Animatic:: Animatic Storyboard

Project Information:

Category: Video Editing
Client: Accredible
Project date: January, 2023
Tools: Premiere Pro, Photoshop
View Animatic: Animatic Storyboard

Accredible Employee Culture Video

I was tasked with creating a unique video to be showcased on the Accredible Careers web page that demonstrated the employee culture at Accredible. The goal was to showcase the Accredible Core Values but also visually promote and highlight the 100% remote/distributed, global culture at Accredible.

I brainstormed several ideas and came up with the idea of several Accredible employees joining a Zoom conference/meeting, as Zoom is a huge part of the remote culture at Accredible. I then had the idea of each employee writing a Core Value on a piece of paper and the video would zoom in on each employee as they discussed their Accredible Core Value, then when finished, the employee would virtually "pass" the core value through the screen.

I created a very quick Animatic Storyboard of the video concept and shared with the Accredible Senior Leadership team. They loved the idea, so I worked with employees from across the globe and showed them how to record their videos and share the files with me. I then took their individual files and designed a mock Zoom meeting environment, and edited the video together.

The video continues to be a huge success for potential Accredible candidates. Check out the fun bloopers at the very end!